What a better way to spend an evening than paying tribute to gurus on #Teacher’s Day! Privileged to be General chair for 25th Intl. Adv Computing and Commun conf. (#Adcom2019) on “#5G and Beyond”.

Thanks to Dept.of #Posts, #Karnataka postal circle, to agree to release a ‘special cover’ for four doyens (Dr. Rajaraman, Dr. Seshagiri, Sh. N.Vittal and Dr. Ramani). This #philately collection cover (adcom: 25th year) is dedicated to these pioneers who pushed #computing and #communication technologies to mainstream #India.

On this special moment, present with me were Prof Khincha, Prof.Sadagopan, Prof BS Sonde, Dr. Srinidhi, Prof. Das, Dr. Vipin Tyagi and families of Dr. Rajaraman and Dr. Ramani.

#university #industry #technology #mhrd #aicte

LinkedIn link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/drdescitechlab_teacher-adcom2019-5g-activity-6575428645643476992-ZfJ7