#Chetana (consciousness) program emerged out of #Samsung deliberation with Govt of Karnataka (#GoK). In 3rd year of the program in end-May, top 400 girl students of 10th exam from govt schools received our tablets. #Infosys has been very supportive in accommodating the recipients for few days in their beautiful Mangalore campus (earlier in Mysuru).
It was my pleasure to be with students and zonal coordinators–amidst their digital tech, career orientation and life skill sessions. My key messages: (i) ‘discipline’: a key ingredient of life success, (ii) work ‘smart’ along side work ‘hard’ and (iii) learn to be ‘interdependent’ by networking among yourselves.
Fascinating stories we heard of previous years’ Chetana scholars: using tablets with public wifi to enhance knowledge, helping family with pertinent info, building new skills…their digital empowerment.
LinkedIn link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/drdescitechlab_chetana-consciousness-program-emerged-activity-6408955269677707264-HqXS