Samsung’s Grand Venture into Start-up Investments

2020-01-27T13:54:43+00:00September 16th, 2019|

Last quarter, we shared about #SamsungVenture's #investment initiative for #startups in #India. Since then, many of you have been engaged with us across different axes. Queries addressed in this #FinancialExpress interview: How does it fit to #Samsung's India story?...Focus areas...what do we look does startup benefit? Read below or shorter e-version: If your [...]

Innovation India (Economic Times)

2020-01-27T13:54:44+00:00December 28th, 2017|

It is no coincidence that the top 10 countries on the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) score highly in the ‘innovation’ parameter. Efficiency has always been at the heart of any innovative undertaking, and each invention invariably leads to an increased level of productivity and economic growth. India’s GCI ranking — of 40 [...]

Ten Levers of Smart Engineering

2020-01-27T13:54:44+00:00November 1st, 2016|

Introduction • Concept Article by the presenter in the book, The Mind of an Engineer (Springer, 2016).• Smart Engineering: Using insights to conceive, model and scale appropriate solution to focused problem or defined objective.• Scientific, Economic, Social and Practical Knowledge applied thoughtfully.• Engine behind designing, building and maintaining structures, systems, materials and even processes.• Aims [...]

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