#startups and #developers had thronged in #samsung developer conf. (#SDC18), SanFrancisco, where our CEO presented concepts around theme #ConnectedLiving. Demos showcased how this is implemented whether we are in bedroom, living room or kitchen.

I had the privilege of giving a #GuestLecture that evening in #SantaClara University. My presentation was on ‘Context-Aware IoT’ that leads to such Connected Living meaningfully. Also, interacted with select faculty-researcher on IoT research problems.

On #IoT, in last three years, have been speaking in various forums on Intelligent Things, Connectivity, IoT Infra, Interoperability, AI-IoT Dynamics and Context-Aware IoT. In 2019-20, planning to cover more on IoT Analytics, IoT Security, 5G for IoT Services, Enterprise IoT and IoT Business Scenarios.


LinkedIn link: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/drdescitechlab_startups-developers-samsung-activity-6469832967308046336-OS3q